Alexandre Zglinski – Planner
Trufflepig’s full time France office is in Burgundy, but the only true-blood Burgundian on the farm is our own Alex, born and raised in the vineyards, and who even put ‘Burgundian’ on the (long) list of languages he speaks fluently. A problem-solver by nature, and a people-pleaser if ever there was one, young Alex is a likeable collection of self-contradictions, one of them being that he doesn’t know if he’s coming or going. Is he digging deeper and deeper into Burgundy, where he knows everyone from the age of 8 to 80…. Or is he setting his sights far afield, to travel more, live aboard, broaden his horizons ever more. Happily he has enough energy to do both, and then some, and in any case it’s a contradiction that works just great for us, as he combines his traveller’s open mind with his home-town pride to the planning of our France trips.
Alex is listed on Wendy Perrin’s WOW list for France.
Joined Trufflepig: April 2018
Read Alex’ Sounder articles here.