Who works at Trufflepig?
Trufflepig is group of inspired and passionate travellers operating at the top of our game. We’re in this because we love travel, and we’re really good at what we do, which is running imaginative and carefully-orchestrated custom trips around the world. We do so with as much creativity and personality as we can muster, and with precision and attention to detail to match.
We’re always looking for smart like-minded people to join our team. If you’re interested in working at Trufflepig, please read below – we’d encourage you to apply.

Our Team
What no sales team? Nope. Our marketing strategy is: be good at what you do. No one here is trained on how to sell travel. No one works on commission. We don’t buy ad words. We are trained on how to plan trips really well and how to communicate clearly and honestly. Trufflepig’s aim when someone call us is to patch them through to the person best-qualified to answer their question. That simple aim makes for serious organisational challenges, but means we operate in an environment focused on delivering honest opinion and informed expertise. It also means the vast majority of the company is engaged in doing what we say we do: planning trips. Our planning team makes up 95% of the organisation.
Trufflepig has 10 nationalities in its roughly 30 employees, and while some of us could be grandparents to others, others have toddlers or teenagers. We’re spread across 9 locations, but the HQ is in Toronto, and we maintain a permanent bureau in France. No one’s counted the religions, sexualities, beliefs, colours, sizes or shapes…. because no one cares. We’re all pigs.

Roles at Trufflepig
Trip Planners
Our Trip Planners are destination specialists and trip designers, whom we (and others) consider to be the best in the business. They are a varied and unique bunch of characters with personality to spare, all with years of different experience in their destinations, and all experts at planning travel. But they also excel at dealing with our clients who are smart, demanding, curious, and well-informed, and who expect the best at every turn.
To be great in this role you need:
• The credibility that comes from expertise and life experience in your regions.
• Extraordinary listening ability, to hear what our clients are asking for.
• Superb communication skills, to present clearly your ideas and proposals.
• Team-working skills. This is not a lone-wolf position.
We are always keen to hear from people who fit the bill, and we try to hire when the right person comes along rather than when a hole appears in the organisation. See a more complete job description here, and complete our online application form here.
Our planners are assisted by a team of dedicated Coordinators who help them run the trips with precision. They are team players, problem solvers, logistics whizzes but above all they are people people: because our trips are all someone’s precious vacation, no two are alike, and the world is an unpredictable place. See a more complete job description here, and complete our online application form here.
Trufflepig offers Internship positions in our Toronto office. See a description of the role here, and complete our online application form here.
Trufflepig Employment Statement
- Trufflepig operates an anonymous first round for all job applications. Please see individual Job Postings and Application Forms for details and instructions.
- Trufflepig is a certified B Corp.
- Trufflepig is committed to diversity, equity and inclusion. Please refer to our Mission and to our Values & Code of Ethics.
- Unless specifically stated otherwise, for all positions at Trufflepig, no previous work in travel is required; there is no minimum education level required; all positions are open to candidates of all ages.