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An Ode to Dessert

Okay, you got me, I like my sugar. Maybe it’s because I’m from Swiss parents, or maybe it’s because we owned an ice cream parlour when I was growing up (it’s true: unbridled access for 17 years), but I can’t kick the sweets. So, naturally, whenever I travel I track down the finest delicacies I can. I don’t play favourites and I don’t discriminate; as long as I get my sugar high, I’m there. Have a look at a few of my favourites from the last few years. Apologies in advance for the drool on your keyboard.

Mike often brings obscene amounts of Swiss chocolate into the office to share, and is simultaneously loved and hated for it by all of his colleagues.

I don't play favourites and I don't discriminate; as long as I get my sugar high, I'm there.