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Hungry for Stoverij

There are many things I look forward to when visiting Belgium, but without fail, the first thing I want to check off my list is sitting down at a brasserie table to eat stoverij. Also known as stoofvlees or carbonades Flamandes, in its most basic form it’s a beef stew made with beer, slow-cooked until […]

The Paella Question

It is no secret that we take food seriously in Spain, so let’s address the Paella question. Maybe you think of paella simply as a rice dish. It is so much more than that, and is on its way to being recognized as UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage (or at least we hope so). Furthermore, for […]

Happy Coincidences: A Winter Quince Tagine Recipe

If you got here by searching Google for “what the hell to do with a quince?”, you’re in luck.  As the winter solstice approaches and we settle in for several months of short, cold days and even colder, longer nights, thoughts turn to fires cackling away in chimneys, and slowly bubbling pots of stews and […]

ISO Piccante

I laughed a little too hard recently when reading Anne Lamott’s words, “By the end I was deteriorating faster than I could lower my standards”. I cannot be the only human whose covid days, home-cooked meals and masked conversations have become excruciatingly banal.  We’re all yearning for discovery, spice and a rollicking time anywhere but […]

Swinos in Lockdown: Cocktail Recipes from the Pigs

Holidays are lurking and with it, more Coronavirus cases and renewed lockdowns. It’s all been enough for anyone to reach for the bottle. As we hunker down for the winter, we asked around our planning team to see who’s got the bartending chops in the Trufflepig farm.  Below are some road-tested recipes that came back […]

Trufflepig Recipes: Gumbo

So it is Saturday night, I am cooking Gumbo, listening to Graceland and Rubber Soul on Vinyl cafe, drinking beer… and I thought of ya’ll.  Here’s a recipe to whisk you to the southlands: “Uncle Lex’s Chicken and Sausage Gumbo” [Serves 10-20] Ingredients 2 cups White Flour; 2 cups Canola Oil; 2 bunch celery; 3 […]

Trufflepig recipes: Cassoulet

The ingredients for this daunting dish are many, and complicated. By far the most important of them are bravery and time. You cannot rush a cassoulet, and you cannot let it get the better of you. Those of you who are adventurous and gourmand enough to try this marvellous dish will find it will try […]