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Tail of a Pig in Puglia

This isn’t really a podcast, and it isn’t an interview, but it is a collection of clips recorded from two planners trying to capture the ephemeral feeling we have right when we get back from a research trip.  When someone from Trufflepig goes off digging for a few weeks at a time, searching and researching, they come back and report to the whole of the company on what they saw, what they felt, and what it was like.

Meredith, one of our Italy trip planners, had returned from Puglia, a place she knows well and had been many times. But she was unsure on how to present her research, so we thought it might be best captured just by sitting down with a cup of coffee and pressing record.  This is what we got: it is a little disjointed, and there are discomforts both in the recording (clicking noises) and in the trip (cars stuck in the mud), but there is something that captures a little bit of the magic of the unplanned travel that is often the starting point for travel planning.


... there is something that captures a little bit of the magic of the unplanned travel that is often the starting point for travel planning.

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