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WPIG Episode #5 Ireland Edition

That small chunk of rock in the North Atlantic…, not Iceland, the O.G. Iceland, home of a slew of folks who went out into the world to make a mark, and make it loud. Ireland. It is on all the lists, we all want to go there but we all tend to wait until we are on wheels and can hardly see past our knees to go. Well, I am here to tell you to wait no longer, the flights are cheap, the beer cold, and the people ready to show you a hell of a night out on the town, in the bog, on the coast. It is a place one tends to venture inwards while visiting, in a nice way, and the people there know how to do introspection well so they show you the way, pint in hand, song in throat, and tears of joy and sad in eye. If you have not been and don’t get it, that’s ok, you will, one day, on the rocky shores. They talk about death there, in a fun way, a healthy way, and the music shows this dichotomy in the way all the good songs do, just like the blues, or jazz, or rock and freakin roll.


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