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Quintana Roo

I think it was late spring, and school was going to let out a few weeks later, but things had been rough on the home front so it must have been decided that my brother and I were going to skip the end of the class year, and my 7th grade finals would be missed.  […]

This Little Piggy Went to Market…

We were on our way to the market, as lead by our guide, the ever-capable and personable Paco, when my co-culinary-conspirator, Susannah, mentioned in a hushed tone that she had never visited this market before, as she had been warned-off by friends and people-in-the-know, that it was too dangerous to visit, especially for a non-Mexican […]

Utah Beauty

When I asked a friend from Colorado to name the most beautiful state in the US, she immediately (and treacherously) replied ‘Utah’. It’s  true that if there’s one state that’s going to wear out the shutter on your SLR, it’s the Beehive state. Quite apart from the shutter, you’ll be in constant battle to swap the wide-angle lens for […]

Greenland & The Faroes

As even the most cursory glance at the map will tell you, Greenland is the world’s largest misnomer. It seems “Iceland”, sadly, was taken, and the Norse settlers who first attempted to set up camp on the south-eastern shores (the north-west had long been inhabited by Inuits) thought a little gilding the lilly might bring in […]

Water Bill Dinners

If you haven’t heard, San Diego is busting onto the scene as a top foodie destination. With excellent restaurants, microbreweries, and a truly local farmers market, it’s no wonder why the food here is so good. But on a recent trip to San Diego there is one experience that stood out among the rest – […]

Mad & Vin

I bet you’ve heard of Santa Barbara, but odds are you haven’t heard of Solvang, an adorable town located a 45 minute drive away, through the stunning Santa Ynez Mountains. Located in Southern California’s Santa Ynez valley, the village of Solvang was settled some 150 odd years ago by the Danish, and the result is […]

Trufflepig Recipes: Gumbo

So it is Saturday night, I am cooking Gumbo, listening to Graceland and Rubber Soul on Vinyl cafe, drinking beer… and I thought of ya’ll.  Here’s a recipe to whisk you to the southlands: “Uncle Lex’s Chicken and Sausage Gumbo” [Serves 10-20] Ingredients 2 cups White Flour; 2 cups Canola Oil; 2 bunch celery; 3 […]

BC Wild: The ultimate Canadian adventure brought to you by Trufflepig & Best Made Co.

We’ve once again teamed up with our friends at Best Made to stage their latest catalog shoot and test their  awesome new gear. Following on the heels of our Brazilian adventure we felt it was time to showcase our own backyard – British Columbia’s backcountry. The Setting The British Columbia backcountry is a relatively bland way to […]

GoldenEye: Pirate Radio Chic

I’ve always wanted to visit Jamaica, but was weary of its reputation. It’s as if tourism here developed a model where both sides—tourists and locals—put their worst foot forward. For too long I avoided it like the plague, but in GoldenEye, and the Island Outpost story, I found the Jamaica I’ve always longed to meet. […]

Life’s Better in Baja

There are plenty of stereotypes that come to mind when someone says “vacation in Mexico”: sandy beaches, frozen cocktails, wild spring breakers. All of these things are available, of course, but there is so much more to this country. If you want to explore and discover many different elements of a destination without moving around […]

‘Twas The Week Before Christmas

And the choice wasn’t hard. Late nights in the office finishing reports and getting ready for the arrival of the in-laws while buying mediocre last minute gifts on Amazon. Or bursting through chest-deep powder high up in the Canadian Rockies enjoying the year’s best snow and conditions with the world’s best guide. Yes the week […]

Foodies Fogo

Gastronomes rejoice!  The ultimate long weekend getaway is alive and well, and clinging to a rock in Newfoundland. My wife and I were fortunate to spend a recent long weekend out at Fogo Island Inn, on remote Fogo Island, out in the Atlantic just off Newfoundland, and (as their website puts it) ‘just over halfway […]

Sommelier On Wheels

Anyone can pull up to Mondavi or Chateau St. Jean in California and taste some wine. Anyone can book an appointment at Jordan or Far Niente and join a small group for a tour and tasting hosted by an experienced professional. California wine country, however, has numbers of amazing little gems that are not open […]

The Water Boils

If there really is such a thing as heaven on earth, I believe it is called Hierve el Agua. These natural pools nestled in the mountains outside of Oaxaca city are so perfectly formed and wondrously beautiful that some have a hard time believing they’re naturally created and not man-made. Hierve el Agua means “the […]

Architecturally Sound(er)

On a recent trip to Chicago, I stumbled across something that would make even Charlie Scott swoon with envy. A place so crammed with old treasures both fascinating and bizarre that one can’t help but get lost for hours. Architectural Artifacts was just supposed to be a quick stop on a busy day of touring. I dragged […]

Secret Supper

Years ago, my wife and I were coaxed into trying our first supper club. We were told it was well worth the money, and to show up at an old loft building at a certain time to get in. Bring wine. Italian wine. If you bring anything other, you will be ridiculed. Well then. We […]