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Namibia in Pictures

Namibia delivers wide open spaces in a way that few other places on earth can. Dominated by a massive and ancient desert, the dominant image in people’s mind seems to be landscapes of unchanging and endless sand. While it’s true that there is a lot of sand (and I do mean a lot – I am still finding it in my pockets weeks after getting home,) to assume the country is just one dimensional would be wrong.

There is an undeniable magic to Namibia that is hard to describe but instantly understandable once you get there. It lacks the big game cache of its neighbours, but standing alone on a remote mountain or sand dune watching the sun paint the epic landscape in a wild palette of reds, oranges and purples as it sets, is to experience something that makes you feel lucky to be alive

Above is a series of photos from my most recent tip there that hopefully share the merest hint of this feeling.

There is an undeniable magic to Namibia that is hard to describe but instantly understandable once you get there.

Destination Details

Point of Interest
