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Where the Ewoks Live

When trying to describe what Tikal is like, it is always easiest to mention that it’s the area where the Ewoks live in “Return of the Jedi”.  This ancient place in the deepest jungles of northern Guatemala is also a UNESCO World Heritage site, but this seems less illustrious than its setting in the Star Wars films. […]

Night on the Town in Pitigliano

I love fire. I love to watch things burn, especially large, highly flammable things. Effigy is one of my all-time favourite English words, and the burning of effigies is one of my favourite pastimes. And I love processions. So after dinner last night, I drove down the hill to the town of Pitigliano, in the […]

Boa Brazil: World Cup 2014

The Winter Olympics are over. What’s the next international competition that the world is willing to wake up to watch at all hours of the night? The FIFA World Cup, of course. Rio’s final samba school has finished the Carnival parade route, and now just 83 days remain ( has a countdown, naturally) until nationalistic […]

Dealings in the Ditch

Shoreditch used to be an area best avoided; indeed, the ‘ditch’ in question was probably a boggy suburb of London’s City back in Saxon times, known as ‘Sewer-ditch’. Gentrification and its proximity to the financial City of London changed this area into a hub of artistic creativity and art in the 90s, and this former […]

Phnomenal Phnom Penh

Let’s be honest, Cambodia is only known for a few things, like the temples of Angkor Wat, Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge. The country has a magnificent past and a brutal recent history. A lesser-known fact is that Cambodia also has some brilliant not-so-old architecture, and the capital city of Phnom Penh is the […]

12 Reasons to Visit Venice

Having just returned from a research trip in Venice, our expert in all things Italian, Rudston Steward, has plenty to say about this watery wonder. He’s pared it all down to 12 key reasons why Venice should top your travel hit list. 1) A palatial past—Venetians don’t think of themselves as Italians, but as a […]

The Doors of Perception

When you visit a country for the first time, especially one that is completely foreign to any past experience, you tend to focus on a specific detail. You find comfort in this detail, and make a point to learn as much as you can about it. Using this method, you can comfortably learn more about […]

It’s Beginning to Look Nothing Like Christmas

As winter finally unclenches its fist from around our collective throats, and the temperature deigns to rise above negative double digits, I know exactly what you’re thinking: “where shall we go next Christmas?” Actually, that’s probably the last thing on your mind as you dream of warm sunshine and footwear other than snow boots, but […]

Les Plus Belles Fesses du Louvre

The sheer size of the Louvre—bigger than an airport and more labyrinthine—can be overwhelming; but even more daunting than that is the sheer academic weight of all those masterpieces staring down at you; centuries and centuries of art in room upon room of scholarship. All those dates to learn, those artistic genres to distinguish, those […]

Villa Thrillah

It’s hard to swing a bottle of Brunello in Tuscany without hitting a villa. Some are new, some old. Some private, some open to the public. Most of them are nice to gorgeous, so picking a favourite is like choosing between a Ferrari and a Lamborghini. As far as old, private, and gorgeous villas go, […]

Now & Zen

This is the moment when you’ve run out of patience. You know it. We know it. All the other drivers on the salt-crusted road know it. It’s mid-February and there are minimal daylight hours at the end of the tunnel, especially under this particularly heavy avalanche of snow. We’re all just trying too hard to […]

12 Reasons to Visit Morocco

This little corner of Northern Africa is one of our favourite places to plan in. Why? Because there’s nowhere else in the world quite like Morocco. Here are a few of our top reasons to visit: 1) Get the blues—Pink may be the navy blue of India (as Diana Vreeland, fabled former editor of Vogue, […]

The Museum of Broken Relationships

Museums are most often created to teach, to inspire, or to amuse. The subject is something distant–an ancient culture, an eccentric artist, an obscure local claim to fame. They can be fascinating, but are rarely relatable. Most of us don’t walk into the Louvre or the Tate with an extra pocket pack of Kleenex. But […]

Whisky Berbère

Mint tea in Morocco is everywhere: every visitor is bound to get an offer of tea, whether from a rug dealer or in a local’s home, and it would be rude to refuse. All business transactions, receptions, ceremonies, and celebrations involve tea in Morocco; it’s the sign of hospitality as much as it is the […]

Say No to Baloney

How did this happen? The name of one of Italy’s most charming cities twisted, turned and squeezed into a moniker for a certain sort of sandwich meat. Enough, we say. It’s time to take back the word and sing its praises for what it is: Bologna, city sublime. True to its nickname, Bologna Il Grassa […]

12 Reasons to Visit Australia

Australia is amazing. So amazing in fact, that I felt it absolutely necessary to come up with probably the most groan-worthy, pun-laced post I have ever put my name on. So, why should you visit Australia? Because it is incredible, of course, and also for every reason below (and in the corresponding photo evidence above). […]