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Shoot The Boot

Taking a decent photo has been rendered as easy as it’s ever been. Digital cameras are so smart that as long as you have a steady hand, decent eye, and reasonably flexible index finger you’ll probably get a pretty good image. But capturing a great shot, really nailing it, still takes a whole lot more […]


What follows is the tale of the time I tried to taste everything in Istanbul. Spoiler: I ate so much I had to take a nap. Our story begins at the charming locale of the oldest market in the world: the Egyptian Bazaar, where we meet our passionate and knowledgeable gastronomic guide Aylin. We’re surrounded […]

Get Your Fix in Alba

When the calendar ticks over from September to October, you’ll find me salivating at the gates of the the International White Truffle Fair in Alba, Piemonte. As if being home to the greatest Italian red wine of all, Barolo (I’ll brook no arguments), were not enough, Alba also just happens to be the epicenter of […]

Kicking 2013 Into Gear

You may (or may not) have noticed that we haven’t posted a single new Sounder article since the tail end of 2012. What can I say, we’ve been busy planning a lot of trips. I hasten to add that our long-time, ever-steady and always-reliable Sounder editor, Amy Smithers, skipped town a month ago to travel […]

Where to go in 2013

Let’s go out on a limb and predict that the world isn’t going to end tomorrow. Christmas and New Year’s will come and go, and then those of us in the northernmost parts of the northern hemisphere will enter what one Trufflepig planner calls “the long, dark tea time of the soul.” Give your soul […]

Full of Car-acter

Some people see vehicles merely as a means of getting from A to B. Not me. I relish the ride and appreciate the story behind a vehicle. And I’ve always found that if you take a closer look, there’s often an interesting tale behind the transport (or sometimes even a tail). Herewith a handful of […]

100 Things We Love: Part 4

It’s the second last edition of our 100 things we love, celebrating our 100th newsletter. Here we cover number 40 down to 21. 40. The Boatshed on Waiheke Island—Just a short ferry ride away from Auckland, New Zealand’s capital, The Boatshed is a tiny retreat we’ve loved for years. In fact, our New Zealand planner, […]

100 Things We Love: Part 3

Today we continue our countdown of 100 things we love, in celebration of our 100th Sounder newsletter, going out to all of your inboxes this week. Here we cover number 60 down to 41. 60. Our National Geographic “Tour of a Lifetime”—We’re not going to lie, it’s nice to see our name in lights after […]

100 Things We Love: Part 2

Today we continue our countdown of 100 things we love, in celebration of our 100th Sounder newsletter. If you need some Christmas wish list inspiration, this is it. From 80 to 61: 80. The Nam Hai—Vietnam’s villa perfection is one of our very favourite hotels. Parked right on the beach outside the charming town of Hoi […]

100 Things We Love: Part 1

The newsletter we send out to all you fine folks next week will be our 100th edition (get it here if you’re not on the list yet). To mark this special occasion, we thought we’d round up 100 of our favourite things—a little bit like Oprah does around Christmas, but with fewer free cars (sorry). […]

Masserias of Puglia

Right in the heel of Italy, sandwiched between the crystal clear waters of the Adriatic and Ionian seas, lies the understated and laid-back Puglia. This southern province offers fortified farms with home grown feasts, romantic harbours with a sunset backdrop, and an unrivalled diversity of architecture. Always keen to stay away from the well-trodden path, […]

Passages of Paris

Cast aside your umbrella, intrepid shoppers of Paris. Even as November’s freezing rain pours down, you can stroll the streets of the Right Bank undrenched; shopping, dining and even staying overnight in the passageways and galleries of Paris. From Stella McCartney to wine bars, teeny tiny antiques shops and seconds art book stores, there are […]

Asia Up Close

Most people visiting Asia think of huge temples, amazing food, and busy everything. Everyone wants to snap a picture of a monk, 14 people riding one scooter, or a water buffalo standing in the middle of a busy highway, but that’s not all there is to it. While playing around with macro photography on my […]

Annual Research Recap

We’ve always said that the only way to truly know a place is to get on a plane and check it out. So we do that. A lot. This year, as every year, Trufflepig trip planners and coordinators have done a tremendous amount of research around the world. 217 days worth—by conservative count. Here’s a […]

Hammaming It Up

As I laid in the hammam at Riad Fes, my thoughts now turned to survival. Steam hissed angrily from the walls, the intense heat unbearable. Beads of sweat flowed into rivers, puddling up on the hot marble beneath me. My vision blurred, breathing became increasingly difficult in the heavy humid air. I wasn’t sure how much […]

Rubbing Elbows & Stomachs

Want to see CEOs sitting alongside day labourers?  Interested in a good meal while you do it? Well then, Singapore is your type of place. While in most places a food court would make me cringe in fear and loathing, in Singapore it elicits uncontrollable Pavlovian drooling and the sure knowledge that my next meal […]